Monday, February 28, 2011

Reworked Walk and Run Cycles

These are the modified and redone walk and run cycles I posted earlier.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rigging Sheet

Another rigging sheet to plot joint placement. This time the model is Tali from Bioware's Mass Effect series.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Project Two Concept Art - Mental Patient Mina

 So this is my concept for a new character I am working on, a mental patient in a 1950s Orphan Asylum. Her name is Mina and she has been committed for a long time, long enough to start out-growing her patient gown. This was a design decision to increase her vulnerability on sight.

Her right wrist is also bandaged. An accident? Self-inflicted? She has a band-aid on her left knee. Perhaps she is just clumsy while spaced out on her Thorazine medication . . . .

She will have a few assets around her.

Vintage wooden blocks to spell creepy messages, a tattered Teddy Bear that, like herself, has seen better days, and vintage crayons for drawing multicolored scribbles on the floor. Oh, who am I kidding? She's only going to use the red crayon!