Sunday, April 24, 2011

Full Base Head

A quick look at the full base head model, unsmoothed, smoothed, and in wire-frame.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Base Head In Progress

An in progress base head done today over lunch.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chimp Sketch

A quick sculpt sketch I knocked out in about an hour and half the other day. I wanted to do something that wasn't a human, but wasn't so extreme as an alien creature. Googling for 'hairless chimp' got me a lot of great reference. It is truly uncanny how much more chimps resemble humans without all the fur.

Digital Sculpting

This is a custom head that I built to use as a base to sculpt on.
My first sculpt using it was based on the above concept art by Simon Lissaman of Marv from Frank Miller's "Sin City". I added a bandage to the nose, as it didn't seem like Marv without a busted sniffer.You can see the results below.